Oliver Drewes mit einem Wochenrückblick aus dem ...

Vincent Oduor arrived in Eldoret on September 2nd, after more than 20 hours of exhausting bus travel. There he immediately moved into his small dormitory, which he shares with a fellow student. Subsequently, Vincent began his studies in finance economics at the prestigious Moi University. Vincent is looking forward to his studies and is highly motivated to lay the foundation for a successful career in professional life with a good degree. All residents, employees and ...

Kamuran Bildircin was part of the small tour group in May 2019 to Kenya. She has supported the Kinderhausverein for several years with regular donations and has been looking forward to visiting the Kinderhaus for a long time. It surprised Kamuran, how well the boys are housed in the children's home and how it is taken care of. However, it is concerned about the generally very poor conditions in Kenya, especially in state schools. The participants also visited the Barani ...

At the initiative of Matthias Brauch, another group of visitors for the children's home was found together. Melanie Freund, Kamuran Bildircin, Mathias Horn, Katja and Stefan Zänker, Andreas Zak and Clemens Schneider traveled to Kenya together with Matthias Brauch. Oliver Drewes insisted on accompanying the group and Jochen Feyerherd joined the team on a temporary basis. One of the aims of the small tour group was to set up a "computer training room" in the children's home. There, the ...

"Fancy something wild ...." Under this motto was this year's incentive travel for about 20 selected cooperation partners of the Hamburg Phoenix maxpool Group AG. As we all know, Oliver Drewes, the founder and chairman of the Kinderhausverein, heads this group of companies as CEO and also holds the majority of the shares. True to the motto of the trip "Fancy something wild ..." it was obvious that Oliver Drewes Kenya, the beautiful travel and safari country between the Indian ...

Das Siegerbild vom Fotowettbewerb

It is well known that the Kinderhausverein, perhaps also thanks to your help, won a sensational photo competition from LAND ROVER in the summer of 2016 and thus the last built for Germany LAND ROVER Defender (a Defender 90, special model HERITAGE).

Since then, this unique and therefore valuable vehicle is unmoved but well insured, warm and dry, in a safe place and is waiting to be auctioned by the auction house Sotheby for the benefit of the children's house.

On the 5th ...

Vincent Oduor has graduated from secondary school with very good results. Visibly proud, he presents his certificate, which entitles him to study at a university. Vincent has decided to study Business Management and we will finance the Studim. It will be some time before the bureaucratic hurdles are lifted. That's the way it is in Kenya. This time makes sense for Vincent to bypass a computer course.

We are also proud of Vincent's career and especially thank ...

Anfang Januar stand für ihn und neun weitere Vereinsmitglieder die alljährliche Kenia-Reise auf dem Programm, um im Kinderhaus einige notwendige Dinge zu erledigen und um unvergesslich schöne Urlaubstage zu verbringen. Dieses Jahr reisten die zehn Aktiven, darunter maxpool-Mitarbeiter und Freunde des Hauses in kleinen Grüppchen an und trafen schließlich im Kinderhaus zusammen. Fünf Personen flogen zunächst nach Nairobi, um sich dort von Kenias berühmtesten und wohl tierreichsten ...

Auch im Jahr 2018 hatte die Versicherungsgesellschaft den Spendenwettbewerb „mach`s möglich“ zur Förderung sozialer Projekte ausgeschrieben. Diesmal wurden Spenden für die drei Bestplatzierten in verschiedenen Kategorien ausgelobt und wir sind angetreten, um in der Kategorie „humanitäres Engagement im Ausland“ zu gewinnen und eine Spende über 2.500,-- EURO für unser Kinderhaus zu erhalten. Viele Freunde des Kinderhauses haben ...

Von links: Ennedi Gargiso, Holger Greiss, Oliver Drewes und Horst Bost

Nachdem wir bei dem Voting von Canada Life die erste Hürde genommen hatten - konnte wir leider die Hürde zum Bundessieger nicht erreichen. Dennoch hat sich der Einsatz und die vielen Stimmen unserer aktiven Mitglieder und Freunde sehr gelohnt.

Unser Verein hat insgesamt 3.671 Euro bekommen. Vielen Dank für die ...

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