Donate now
You can simply transfer a donation to our children's home at any time. Please include your postal address in the intended purpose and you will automatically receive a donation receipt.
You can also register without obligation and tell us how we should name you in the "transparent bookkeeping" and which email address we may send you our newsletter.
You can also use this form to specify if you would like to donate specifically to one of our projects (for example, for our new building in Uganda or specifically for school materials, etc.).
Our association prefers regular, ongoing direct debit authorizations for a fixed monthly amount, as this provides the best calculation security for the maintenance costs of the children's home - starting from just €5 per month - you will help us a lot.
Of course, you can also stop “fixed monthly debits” at any time without notice and without any formalities.
If you have any questions, please write to us at: or use our contact form .