What we are doing
Here you will find photo documentation of the construction of the children's home and the ongoing expansions. We will add more pictures from our archive here soon. So you should visit this page regularly.
There are so many prejudices about Africa. This starts with the fact that the entire continent is perceived by many people as just a single country. Africa is politically, economically, in matters of faith and culturally enormously diverse. Immediately thinking of poverty and crises in Africa also quickly disguises our view of many riches - in nature as well as in the coexistence of people. Here are a few impressions that we collected on site.
Step by step, we will show you here how the new orphanage has developed constantly. We are still far from the goal. From fundamental to the use of advanced technologies such as photovoltaics, much building work is still needed.
Here you get to know the origin of our activities - the "first" house - better. It was developed in close cooperation with the Protestant Church and formed the basis for our commitment, which continues today even further.