04. Jun

Kamuran Bildircin launches the initiative "School benches for the Barani Primary School"

Kamuran Bildircin was part of the small tour group in May 2019 to Kenya. She has supported the Kinderhausverein for several years with regular donations and has been looking forward to visiting the Kinderhaus for a long time. It surprised Kamuran, how well the boys are housed in the children's home and how it is taken care of. However, it is concerned about the generally very poor conditions in Kenya, especially in state schools. The participants also visited the Barani Primary School, which is very close to the children's home, and visited the classrooms. The Kinderhausverein intends to support and qualitatively expand the Barani School as part of its "Agenda 2020". The background is that a large number of our children's home children attend this school. We want to ensure better quality teaching for our boys by promoting this school. The fact that many other children also enjoy a higher quality education is a nice side effect. During the visit it was especially noticeable that the school did not have enough school benches. About a third of the children learn and write sitting on the floor. "That should not stay that way, here I will help" said Kamuran spontaneously to the Mitreisenden. No sooner had he returned home to Germany than Kamuran Bildircin fulfilled his promise and devoted himself to missing school books. Through social media she called on her friends and acquaintances to donate money for the initiative she founded "school benches for Barani". This appeal was followed by numerous friendly donors, so after a short time € 4,690 came together. Kamuran Bildircin filled this amount to a mere € 5,000. This will be sufficient for a price of about € 40, - per school, corresponding to 125 school desks. A school desk can accommodate three children, so that 375 children will soon no longer have to learn sitting on the floor. A great extra donation! On behalf of the (school) children, we would like to thank Kamuran Bildircin for their commitment and all donors for participating. We have already commissioned the construction of the school benches with a carpenter and will now supply the school piece by piece (each in 25-fold tranches) with school benches. Of course, we will report again after completion.

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